Congrats to three of our lab members who successfully defended their dissertations this spring, 2024, and are off to bigger and better things at their new jobs.
Justin Sola defended his dissertation “Theory with Consequents”, and will now be an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the sociology department. Go Tar Heels!
Xiaoshuang Iris Luo defended her dissertation “Crime Changes and Spatial Patterns: Examination of Longitudinal Models of Crime across Multiple Cities in the U.S.”, and will now be an Assistant Professor at Akron University in the department of Criminal Justice Studies.
Benjamin Forthun defended his dissertation “Won’t You Be My Neighbor? An Examination of Environmental Context, Resident Neighborhood Spatial Perceptions, and Implications for Aggregate Techniques”, and will now be an Assistant Professor at the University of Northern Colorado in the department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.