This study introduces filtering theory from housing economics to criminology and measures the age of housing as a proxy for deterioration and physical disorder. Using data for Los Angeles County in 2009 to 2011, negative binomial regression models are estimated and find that street segments with older housing have higher levels of all six crime…Continue Reading Lab publication studying relationship between housing age or housing types and crime
Category: Publications
Lab publication studying neighborhood social distance and disagreement in assessing collective efficacy
Whereas existing research typically treats the variability in residents’ reports of collective efficacy and neighboring as measurement error, we consider such variability as of substantive interest in itself. This variability may indicate disagreement among residents with implications for the neighborhood collectivity. We propose using a general measure of social distance based on several social dimensions…Continue Reading Lab publication studying neighborhood social distance and disagreement in assessing collective efficacy
New lab publication using Twitter data to measure spatial and temporal crime concentration (Online first)

You can now access an online first article by Dr. John R. Hipp, Christopher Bates, Moshe Lichman & Dr. Padhraic Smyth in Justice Quarterly entitled, “Using Social Media to Measure Temporal Ambient Population: Does it Help Explain Local Crime Rates?” The article examines the use of social media data, geocoded Tweets, as a proxy for the…Continue Reading New lab publication using Twitter data to measure spatial and temporal crime concentration (Online first)
New lab publication on crime concentration and spatial scales (Online first)
You can now access an online first article by Dr. John R. Hipp, Dr. James C. Wo, & Young-An Kim in the Social Science Research entitled, “Studying neighborhood crime across different macro spatial scales: The case of robbery in 4 cities”. The article examines crime variation across macro-environments & micro-geographic units four cities. Get it…Continue Reading New lab publication on crime concentration and spatial scales (Online first)
New publication by graduate student Rylan Simpson
On July, 17 2017, ILSSC graduate student Rylan Simpson had a journal article published in Journal of Experimental Criminology entitled, “The Police Officer Perception Project (POPP): An experimental evaluation of factors that impact perceptions of the police.” The article featured experimental research Rylan Simpson conducted for his 2nd-year project in the department of Criminology, Law and Society….Continue Reading New publication by graduate student Rylan Simpson