Graduate student Iris Luo wins awards!

ILSSC graduate student Xiaoshuang(Iris) Luob was awarded first prize in the 2021 Jiang Outstanding Student Paper Award, Association of ChineseCriminology and Criminal Justice in the United States (ACCCJ). She received the award for her paper “An Empirical Test of Procedural Fairness, Legitimacy and Public Cooperation with the Police in China”. Congrats Iris! Furthermore, Iris also…Continue Reading Graduate student Iris Luo wins awards!

Lab publication on (Re)conceptualizing neighborhood ecology in social disorganization theory

This study encourages researchers to turn away from the common variable-centered approach– adopting instead a “neighborhood-centered” approach– to consider how neighborhood structural forces of interest in social disorganization theory combine into unique constellations or patterns that vary across communities, with consequences for crime. Examining neighborhoods in Southern California we: (1) identify neighborhood typologies based on…Continue Reading Lab publication on (Re)conceptualizing neighborhood ecology in social disorganization theory