Here is a list of publications from members of the lab:
Kubrin, Charis E. and Elliott Alvarado. Forthcoming. “Immigration and Crime around the Globe: Key Findings across a Diverse Range of Contexts.” In Dietrich Oberwittler and Rebecca Wickes (Eds.), Handbook on Cities and Crime. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kubrin, Charis E. and Rebecca Tublitz. Forthcoming. “Social Disorganization Theory and Community-Based Interventions.” In Bryanna Fox and Edelyn Verona (Eds.), Handbook of Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Practices. London: Routledge.
Kubrin, Charis E. and Rebecca Tublitz. 2022. “How to Think about Criminal Justice Reform: Conceptual and Practical Considerations.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 47:1050–1070.
Kim, Young-An, John Hipp, and Charis E. Kubrin. 2022. “Immigrant Organizations and Neighborhood Crime.” Crime & Delinquency 68:1948-1976.
- Kubrin, Charis E., Nicholas Branic, and John R. Hipp. 2021. “(Re)conceptualizing Neighborhood Ecology in Social Disorganization Theory: From a Variable-Centered Approach to a Neighborhood-Centered Approach.” Crime & Delinquency.
- Kim, Young-An and John R. Hipp. 2021. “Small Local versus Non-Local: Examining the Relationship between Locally Owned Small Businesses and Spatial Patterns of Crime.” Justice Quarterly.
- Kim, Young-An and John R. Hipp. 2021. “Both Sides of the Street: Introducing Measures of Physical and Social Boundaries Based on Differences Across Sides of the Street, and Consequences for Crime.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
- Kim, Young-An and John R. Hipp. “Street Egohood: An Alternative Perspective of Measuring Neighborhood and Spatial Patterns of Crime.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 36:29-66.
- Gerlinger, Julie and John R. Hipp. 2020. “Schools and Neighborhood Crime: The Effects of Dropouts and High-Performing Schools on Juvenile Crime.” The Social Science Journal.
- Hipp, John R. and Seth Williams. 2020. “Accounting for Meso- or Micro-Level Effects When Estimating Models Using City-Level Crime Data: Introducing a Novel Imputation Technique.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
- Kim, Young-An and John R. Hipp. 2020. “Pathways: Examining Street Network Configurations, Structural Characteristics and Spatial Crime Patterns in Street Segments.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
- Hipp, John R. and Seth Williams. 2020. “Advances in Spatial Criminology: The Spatial Scale of Crime.” Annual Review of Criminology 3:75-95.
- Kim, Young-An, John R. Hipp, and Charis E. Kubrin. 2019. “Where They Live and Go: Immigrant Ethnic Activity Space and Neighborhood Crime in Southern California.” Journal of Criminal Justice 64:1-12.
- Hipp, John R., Young-an Kim, and Kevin Kane. 2019. “The Effect of the Physical Environment on Crime Rates: Capturing Housing Age and Housing Type at Varying Spatial Scales.” Crime & Delinquency 65(11):1570-1595.
- Hipp, John R. 2020. “Simulating Spatial Crime Patterns: What Do We Learn in Standard Ecological Studies of Crime?” Journal of Criminal Justice.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and Michelle Mioduszewski. 2019. “Social Disorganization Theory: Past, Present and Future.” Pp. 197-211 in Marv Krohn, Gina Penly Hall, Alan J. Lizotte, and Nicole Hendrix (Eds.), Handbook on Crime and Deviance, 2nd Edition. Springer.
- Contreras, Christopher and John R. Hipp. 2019. “Drugs, Crime, Space, and Time: A Spatiotemporal Examination of Drug Activity and Crime Rates.” Justice Quarterly 37:187-209.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and Michelle Mioduszewski. 2019. “Social Disorganization Theory: Past, Present and Future.” In Marv Krohn, Gina Penly Hall, Alan J. Lizotte, and Nicole Hendrix (Eds.), Handbook on Crime and Deviance, 2nd Edition. Springer.
- Hipp, John R. and Young-an Kim. 2019. “Temporal and Spatial Dimensions of Robbery: Differences Across Measures of the Physical and Social Environment.” Journal of Criminal Justice 60:1-12.
- Branic, Nicholas and John R. Hipp. 2018. “Growing Pains or Appreciable Gains? Latent Classes of Neighborhood Change, and Consequences for Crime in Southern California Neighborhoods.” Social Science Research 76:77-91.
- Kubrin, Charis E., Young-An Kim, and John R. Hipp. 2018. “Institutional Completeness and Crime Rates in Immigrant Neighborhoods.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 56:175-212.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and Michelle Mioduszewski. 2018. “Theoretical Perspectives on the Immigration-Crime Relationship.” Pp. 66-78 in Holly Ventura Miller and Anthony Peguero (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Crime. London: Routledge.
- Branic, Nicholas and Charis E. Kubrin. 2018.“Gated Communities and Crime in the United States.” In Gerben Bruinsma and Shane Johnson (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kubrin, Charis E., John R. Hipp, and Young-An Kim. 2018. “Different than the Sum of its Parts: Examining the Unique Impacts of Immigrant Groups on Neighborhood Crime Rates.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 34:1-36.
- Williams, Seth and John R. Hipp. 2018. “How Great and How Good? Third Places, Neighbor Interaction, and Cohesion in the Neighborhood Context.” Social Science Research.
- Boessen, Adam and John R. Hipp. 2018. “Parks as Crime Inhibitors or Generators: Examining Parks and the Role of their Nearby Context”. Social Science Research 186-201.
- Ousey, Graham C. and Charis E. Kubrin. 2018. “Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Contentious Issue.” Annual Review of Criminology 1:63-84.
- Kubrin, Charis E. 2017. “Delinquency and Modernity in Cyberspace?: Comments on America’s Safest City.” Crime, Law and Social Change 67:505-512.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and Nicholas Branic. 2017. “The Chicago School.” pg. 96-99 In Avi Brisman, Eamonn Carrabine, and Nigel South (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. London: Routledge.
- Hipp, John R. and Charis E. Kubrin. 2017. “From Bad to Worse: The Relationship between Changing Inequality in Nearby Areas and Local Crime.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 3:129-151.
- Kim, Young-An. 2016. “Examining the Relationship Between the Structural Characteristics of Place and Crime by Imputing Census Block Data in Street Segments: Is the Pain Worth the Gain?.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology. DOI 10.1007/s10940-016-9323-8.
- Wo, James C., John R. Hipp and Adam Boessen. 2016. “Voluntary Organizations and Neighborhood Crime: A Dynamic Perspective.” Criminology 54:212-241.
- Branic, Nicholas. 2016. “Gated Communities.” In Bruce A. Arrigo & J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
- Wo, James C. 2016. “Community Context of Crime: A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Local Institutions on Neighborhood Crime.” Crime and Delinquency 62:1286-1312.
- Hipp, John R. and James Wo. 2015. “Collective Efficacy and Crime.” In James Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Elsevier.
- Boessen, Adam and John R. Hipp. 2015. “Close-ups and the Scale of Ecology: Land Uses and the Geography of Social Context and Crime.” Criminology.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and James Wo. 2015. “Social Disorganization Theory’s Greatest Challenge: Linking Structural Characteristics to Crime in Socially Disorganized Communities.” In Alex Piquero (Ed.), Handbook of Criminological Theory. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Branic, Nicholas. 2015. “Routine Activities Theory.” In W.G. Jennings (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hipp, John R. and Alyssa W. Chamberlain. 2014. “Foreclosures and crime: A City-level Analysis in Southern California of a Dynamic Process.” Social Science Research 51: 219-232.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and John R. Hipp. 2014. “Do Fringe Banks Create Fringe Neighborhoods? Examining the Spatial Relationship between Fringe Banking and Neighborhood Crime Rates.” Justice Quarterly.
- Gerlinger, Julie, and James C. Wo. 2014. “Preventing School Bullying: Should Schools Prioritize an Authoritative School Discipline Approach Over Security Measures?.” Journal of School Violence.
- Hipp, John R. and Adam Boessen. 2014. “Neighborhoods, Networks, and Crime.” In Francis T. Cullen, Pamela Wilcox, Robert J. Sampson, and Brendan Dooley (Eds.), Challenging Criminological Theory: The Legacy of Ruth Kornhauser. Transaction Publishers.
- Kubrin, Charis E. 2014. “Cultural Disorganization and Crime.” In Francis T. Cullen, Pamela Wilcox, Robert J. Sampson, and Brendan Dooley (Eds.), Challenging Criminological Theory: The Legacy of Ruth Kornhauser. Transaction Publishers.
- Trager, Glenn and Charis E. Kubrin. 2014. “Complicating the Relationship between Immigration and Crime: Theorizing the Impact of Gender on the Immigration-Crime Nexus.” In Rosemary Gartner and Bill McCarthy (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Kubrin, Charis E. and Glenn Trager. 2014. “Immigration and Crime in U.S. Communities: Charting Some Promising New Directions in Research.” Pp. 529-550 in Sandra M. Bucerius and Michael Tonry (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Boessen, Adam and Elizabeth Cauffman. 2013. “Moving from the Neighborhood to the Cellblock: The Impact of Youth’s Neighborhoods on Prison Misconduct.” Crime & Delinquency.
- Hipp, John R. and Adam Boessen. 2013. “Egohoods as Waves Washing Across the City: A New Measure of ‘Neighborhoods.'” Criminology 51:287-327.
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